Sunday, April 13

Day Four

Finally, a day where we woke up to find it SUNNY. ^_^ Of course, Andy the polar bear was complaining that the weather was hot, at a 'fantasically' high temperature of 20 DEGREES. now we call him andy the heater.

I am feeling proud of ourselves, we managed to find the Chuo line at the correct exit / entrance without having to walk through all the other 3 exits. And we headed to Mitaka to visit the whimsical Studio Ghibli Museum!

Wah, Mitaka was really pretty ne... It's a little far from Central Tokyo, and it really looked quite different from the Tokyo we've seen so far... As we walked down the streets of Mitaka, we saw these residential houses. Sakura petals were drifting down from the trees as the wind blew in our direction, and we were practically walking in a shower of sakura petals. There would be an occasional cyclist, a student returning from school, or people walking their really small dogs.

Studio Ghibli was amazing... The whole place was decorated to replicate scenes from animations done by SG. There was a room where they showed the film strips of the animation, and a replia of the workspace of the illustrators and scriptwriters of the shows. And there was a free movie viewing of the animation Koro no Osampo. KORO was super cute! A watery eyed look and you are sure to melt. Except got some wierd people behind us who kept laughing for no reason whatsoever. I think maybe it's cuz there were no English subs. TOO BAD ~ ... ^^ Unfortunately the Museum disallowed cameras in the place, so we cannot take pictures to show you all how beautiful it all looks! But here are some pictures on the outside of the museum..

Andy says, "Have to write that Darryn had to wear 4 layers of clothes on a sunny day." lau-jii... (lousy). hehe.

After a good lunch of hotdogs at SG cafe, we walked back to take photos of the nice quaint houses along the road.

Then, we took the train back to Shinjuku eki, and walked Isetan. The amount of food!!! at the basement of Isetan was oishii-looking! There were so many varieties, and every single one was in a nice packaging with delicious-looking food. I wanna bring Isetan basement home in my luggage...

Vel's superb bento of sukiyaki beef, lu dan, mushrooms, tofu, and rice! yummy!

My bento of wafu hamburger in mushroom sauce and ricee =)

Darryn's one is superb too!

And Andy's bento is the most expensive - omurice and roast beef/steak.. yums.

Anyway, now we are back in the hotel, and Vel and I are offically sick. So we didn't do much during the afternoon. Play daidee lo. Haha, nvm, we'll make up for lost time these next few days. We also managed to come up with some secret code sign language, for words not very suitable of saying out loud. *does the pull ball action*

so says Yanz.

1 comment:

Alva said...

HUI QI SAN! Dunno y the tagboard siao siao one i can't post there. mitaka is a pretty street with pretty houses! :) i tried to bring some sakura back but it's a failed attempt because they all dry up by the time i walk back to the hotel... maybe u come here live for a bit then u can find a doraemon of your own, that can like sing mando-pop songs with you. wahahaha... ^^