Tuesday, April 15

Day Eight

Yo! I guess you all missed me because i haven't been blogging. =) My sore throat is now better, yay, and we had a sunny day today, in tokyo.

We went to Yokohama today! Yatta! Went to visit a place I have been wanting to visit for a loong time alr, the Shin-Yokohama Raumen Museum.

Arashi went there for a variety programme many years ago.

The inside of the museum is styled according to old-style Japan, with all the famed ramen shops around a small square. Weird, they even made the clean toilet look dirty. -_-"

We had ramen from Shinasobaya, one of the ramen shops there. It was really good, loved the charsiew! Andy and I had the special egg which was 300 yen each (about S$4.20). It came from chickens that only laid one egg A WEEK. The taste was really good.

Andy loved it so much he finished the whole bowl.

After the ramen lunch, we moved on the Yokohama's famed Chinatown. It was a great experience, even though we were tired. =) The place was full of... Chinese people. >_< And chestnut shops, and pork buns shops, and ice cream shops, and Chinese souvenir (ie panda) shops. Yanting met a reallllly cute puppy on the street, and we managed to make a few people stop and stare at the doggie too.

I had pandaman! It was a bun with a panda face, and filled with chocolate custard. yumm.

We went on to Sweets Forest in Jiyugaoka after that (imagine how tired we were, after walking all that distance), and sat down to a delicious sweet dessert. Sweets Forest was a great place where they congregated some of the best dessert houses in Japan. Something like the Raumen Museum, but desserts instead.

It was great sitting al fresco eating the desserts, and there were warm blankets provided on the chairs if you were cold. =) wow. Yanting was really excited at the blankets because it ngam her bag. heheh.

We went to walk the shops that sold baking stuff, and Yanting was really impressed with the chocolate cellar! woohoo!

After a loong day we stopped at Family Mart for dinner, and I just thought I would try the Oden. It turned out to be reallly good, and everyone was impressed. So you can guess what we'll have for supper tmr!

Andy and Darryn are both addicted to the UFO catching things in Japan. It's become a daily affair, to go down into Shinjuku and try the arcades around. Yanting and I follow around, and sometimes we get some stuff too =) You'll see when we come back. =) We met some tourists who managed to catch a watch in the machine, and they hi-fived us. haha. I was sort of addicted to the Taiko Drum machine too, and Yanting and I sang and danced with the beat. Damn fun.

Okay, now Yanting and Andy are trying to outdo each other in Macdonald's and Disney jokes. Really very lame ones. And they're speaking in baby voices. And they're racist. Tsktsk.

It's ONSEN DAY tomorrow! =)

Signing off,

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