Wednesday, April 23

Post-Trip Thoughts: The Closing Chapter

Well, it has been almost a week now since we arrived home from our most wonderful trip in Tokyo. In fact, at this very moment exactly a week ago, we should have just returned from Odaiba after taking the Ferris Wheel. And the next day would be a shopping day in Harajuku. Fast isn't it? Life's back to the usual again and inevitably the Tokyo trip is dearly missed.

Post-Tokyo Syndrome, i call it. Haha. Looking at the photos we took brings back all the memorable moments that we had. From Day 1 to Day 11. From our little cosy place in Shinjuku that we call home for 11 days to almost every single part of Tokyo. It was truly fun and enjoyable, to say the least.

This blog was read by our avid fans during the 11 days, and I'm glad that it is also a blog that the 4 of us share, a blog to reminisce. We can read it over and over again without getting bored. Good job guys! :)

Okay, to lighten the mood of my entry abit... (i realise it's abit emo, haha)

I just wanna say that I'm happy and proud of the 4 of us for making this trip, for allowing everything to go according to plan. But most importantly that we enjoyed ourselves tremendously. Japan is a nice place to be, nice people, nice places, nice scenery, nice weather. And we managed to take a total number of 845 photos! Amazing!

Not to mention a whole lot of videos from Yanting's videocam as well. Haha.

Andy the Tour Leader,
Signing off now, with a picture of the 4 of us...

@ VenusFort, Odaiba

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