Saturday, April 5

pre-japan jitterbugs!

Yo! loyal readers of shinjukupore! *makes a note by the side to buy heat pack*

though we aren't exactly in shinjuku (or anywhere near) YET, i thought we should let everyone have a feel of how relaxed we are preparing for this trip. *rushes away from comp to pack my moisturizer*

da tour enthusiast is, of course, feeling really ethusiastic about the trip and can't wait to get my hands on all those 100 yen wooden keychain thingys to give to my long list of people awaiting with wide eyes and outstretched hands, haunting my dreams. *runs to parents room to find travel adaptor*

*ticks off checklist of clothes. toiletries. electronics. to bring there*

*ticks off checklist of estimated number of bags to hold all the shopping i'm coming back with*

as the official appointed shoppi.. *ahem* tour enthusiast of the group, i hereby declare all orders of items from land of rising sun to be CLOSED. haha if you were really desperate though, we don't rule out a little under the desk dealings. provided you know which member of the group to approach. wa ha ha.

it's officially 5th april, 2am now.

Counting down to our flight: 2 days

signing off with ^^,

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